The reason I'm confused is because Everyday Monsters was on the list for 7 hours yesterday, but I only got 21 page views, total. But on Day 1, I got 86 page views and was only on for the last 4 hours of the day... So I'm assuming that means that during the hours that people are viewing the campaign page at a very high rate, is when books get on H&T.
But I'm wondering what that rate is, if I got on it for 7 hours with only 21 page views for the whole day. That's only 3 page views per hour. I have no idea how many nominations those page views resulted in, since I can't see that information, but even if all 21 views were unique nominations, that doesn't seem like a lot per hour. I don't know. Anyway, on to this morning's graphs that show yesterday's activity.
I'm up to 171 page views overall, and 34 hours in the Hot & Trending list. I'm pretty happy with these results since I haven't actually paid for any promo, and am just now widening my efforts to Google+.
Facebook continues to be my biggest contributor of traffic, so I'll keep focusing there. I'm in a LOT of groups on Facebook, from geeky mama groups to reading groups to all sorts of stuff. I love modern technology and how it puts people in direct contact with so many others. I suppose Twitter does the same thing, but I think I have 1 or 2 followers, so I haven't even really touched that platform yet. We'll see how that one goes too.
As always, if you haven't nominated Everyday Monsters, please go here to the Scout page and do so! Every single page view and nomination count, and if you're feeling super nice, please go nominate my friend +Jack McDonald Burnett's book, Pauper here. It has 5 days left in its campaign, so its on the home stretch.
Thanks everyone!
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